Juniar: About me

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Juniar Hendrik William Lumankun®I am what I tell you (what you see) I

alias ari a.k.a jun = junjun
cf. juniek atawa jon a.a.k.a itol singkamma-lebba tolé
a.a.a.k.a junx aalias *korea*

DOB: 13 June 1971
POB: Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, South East Asia, Earth (third planet from the sun).

read billboards, signboards, newspaper, books, notes, stamps; write poems;
sing in the bathroom;
walk backwards when the street is quiet;
watching the traffic, the crowd, people, individuals;
watching the sun go down, sometimes when it's up, but I'm rarely earlier than him, so only when last night is still in mine eyes.


some poetry, a couple of unpublished short stories, a couple of piled-away songs, some essays, many a diary,
application letters, a love letter, some unfinished romance, monthly reports, fax covers, one letter of resignation,
some scribbles, some trouble, some mistakes, many drafts missing purpose (I just forgot what I wrote those very few words for!), some plans undone, some done unplanned,
and yet many a few friends.
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